We’re sponsoring this years Goldsmith Craft and Design award for “Design for Direct 3D Printing Award” once again, after last years success.
This year to help you complete inform, inspire and educate you on all things 3D printing, we’re running a free webinar to help you design for this new technology.
Registration has closed, the webinar recording will be shared at a later date.
Design and present a simple suite of small/collection/suite of complementary jewellery, made for Direct Metal 3D printing that utilises the unique capabilities of 3D printing.
Entering is the Goldmsmiths’ Craft and Design Council Award is easy, simply submit your:
You have until 31st January (TBC), and make sure you add into the message box:
Any files submitted not including these details will be void. You can only submit your files once, so make sure your check them thoroughly before submitting.
CAD files to be sent to: https://cooksongold3d.wetransfer.com/
The winners from last year showed ingenuity and creativity in their designs and we’re hoping that your design will capture the same spirit, view some of their entries below.
Terms and Conditions:
For the full terms and conditions click here
Bingjie Zhao – Silver Award
Joanna Stroinska – Gold Award
You can view the webinar on any device – laptop, tablet/iPad or smartphone – and either via the web browser or the Microsoft Teams app. If you’ll be watching on a laptop/desktop through the Teams web browser we would recommend having Google Chrome as your browser, however you can also view it in the Teams app if you have it installed on your device. If viewing on a tablet/iPad or smartphone, for the best viewing experience we would recommend downloading the Teams app to your device in advance and joining via the app.